About us

There are no simple off-the-peg solutions. You need advice you can trust that will assist you to manage your financial affairs more effectively. You also need a person you can relate to who doesn't talk jargon and explains concepts clearly and in plain English.

We are available to help – on this website you can easily see who we are, what we do and how we could help you. Any meetings we have are entirely confidential and with no obligations whatsoever.

Through regular face-to-face reviews, we adapt to your financial requirements as they evolve over time. This way we can ensure our recommendations remain well thought out, up to date and best suited to your needs. Ultimately, our ambition is dedicated to the hard work required to create a more secure financial future for yourself, your loved ones or business. Throughout the process, we strive to deliver a service marked by professionalism, quality, care and expertise.

We took the active decision to become an Associate Partner Practice of St. James's Place, due to its robust operational infrastructure and distinctive investment management process. This has allowed us to devote the necessary time needed to help our clients achieve their desired financial outcome. We can therefore offer you a comprehensive range of products, guaranteed suitability of advice and a depth of experience, all under the St. James's Place umbrella.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.